Oliver Thomas (July 31, 2004)

Date broadcast: July 31, 2004

When we did this interview, Oliver was portraying more of a squeeky clean image and has changed his image since then. Also, Oliver has been married since then, sorry girls he is no longer available. I found him very cleaver and willing to give me all the time I wanted. Not all artists are as generous with their time as he was.

Vincent & Fernando

Date broadcast: February 26, 2005

This was my very first interview for the Stimmung Stunde. We did not have the sophisticated equipment for recording interviews that we had later. It was a real challenge to do this one, but the brothers were very patient with me. Again, this was rather early in their career. They had played many years locally, but were just starting to get recording contracts and making appearances outside their beloved Sudtirol.

Interview part 1
Interview Part 2
Interview Part 3
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Die Vinschger (Meinrad Tscholl) (January 20, 2007)
Date broadcast: January 20, 2007

The interview with Meinrad Tscholl of the duo, die Vinschger, was the last interview with German entertainers that was broadcast on the Stimmung Stunde. In March 2007 the Tim Kretschmann, the host of the Stimmung Stunde for 17 years, did the last broadcast. We met the Vinschger in March 2006 in Sudtirol up on a mountain of snow at a ski lodge. They were the entertainment that day and yes, their stage was outdoors. People were dancing in their snow boots.

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